G01T 1/02 20060101AFI20240523BHJP
G01T 1/16 20060101ALI20240523BHJP
G01T1/02 B
G01T1/16 B
(21)【出願番号】P 2023195680
【氏名又は名称】サントル ナシオナル デテュード スパシヤル
【氏名又は名称】ユニヴェルシテ ジャン モネ、サン テティエンヌ
【氏名又は名称】中里 浩一
【氏名又は名称】川崎 仁
【氏名又は名称】三嶋 景治
【氏名】シェネ ピエリック
【氏名】ロバン ティエリー
【氏名】ムラン ジル
【氏名】バルコン 二コラ
【氏名】メッキ ジュリアン
【氏名】ジラール シルヴァン
【課題】 宇宙環境のための光ファイバ線量計及び線量測定方法を提供する。
【解決手段】 本発明は、光ビーム(10)を生成できる光源(1)と、光カプラ/スプリッタ(2)と、放射線感受性光ファイバ(3)と、放射線感受性光ファイバ(3)を通って伝送された光ビームのパワー測定値(21)を記録するように配置された第一の光検出器(5)と、参照光学アーム(4)と、参照光学アーム(4)を通って伝送された光ビームの参照パワー測定値(22)を記録するように配置された第二の光検出器(6)と、参照光学アーム(4)に関する放射線感受性光ファイバ(3)内の相対放射線誘起減衰測定値を抽出するように構成された電子システム(20)と、を含む線量計(100)に関する。本発明によれば、光ビーム(10)は無偏光化若しくは偏光解消されるか、又はそれぞれ、光ビーム(10)は偏光であり、放射線感受性光ファイバ(3)は偏光保持ファイバである。
より精密には、本発明はリアルタイムの高精度放射線量測定値を提供するためのポイント線量計に関する。本発明はまた、広いダイナミックレンジ及び/又は長時間にわたるトータルドーズ(TID:total ionizing dose)の測定値を提供するための線量計に関する。
各種の放射線、すなわちイオン、陽子、電子、中性子、及び/又は光子の、放射線誘起損失測定とも呼ばれる放射線誘起減衰(RIA:radiation induced attenuation)測定に基づく光ファイバ線量計を使用することも知られている。特に、放射線感受性光ファイバ、光源、及び光検出器を含む線量計を使用して、光ファイバを通じて伝送される光ビームの光パワー損失を時間に応じて測定し、そこから、プレキャリブレーションを行っておくことにより、光ファイバにおける放射線誘起減衰を推測することが知られている。光ファイバは、コア及び/又は光学外装に、例えば光ファイバに電離放射線に対する感度を付与するリンをドープすることによって、放射線感受性を有するものとなる。
しかしながら、本開示のある態様によれば、偏光効果に関連するパワー測定の不安定性によって、低い放射線量の検出が限定される。一般に、偏光は、偏光保持型ではないシングルモード(SM)ファイバ中を伝播中、保持されない。光ビームの偏光状態は、ファイバの機械的応力又は温度によって特に非常に強く変化する。偏光ビームがシングルモードファイバに入射すると、そのファイバの出力における光ビームの偏光状態は制御が難しく、特に温度変化により急速に変化する。さらに、減衰測定に不可欠な幾つかの光学コンポーネント、例えばカプラ-スプリッタ2やフォトダイオード5、6の応答は、偏光状態に若干依存する。2つの直交する偏光間の「偏光依存損失」(PDL:polarization dependent losses)の差は、少なくとも0.1dBのオーダである。予想外に、この差は小さく見えるものの、この現象はともすれば、シングルモード(SM)ファイバ内の放射線誘起減衰の測定の精度を限定する。実際、偏光状態の変動はパワーの変動に変換される。本開示から、偏光効果は、放射線誘起減衰(RIA)の現象を利用して沈着線量の時間変化を追跡する光ファイバ線量計の検出限度と精度に直接、強力に悪影響を与えることがわかる。
第一の実施形態によれば、光源1は無偏光光源である。各種の無偏光光源が考えられる。非限定的な例として、自然放射増幅光源(ASE:Amplified Stimulated Emission)光源が
1 光源
2 光学カプラ-スプリッタ
3 放射線感受性光ファイバ
4 参照光学アーム
5 第一の光検出器
6 第二の光検出器
7 対数増幅器
10 光ビーム
11 光ビームの第一の部分
12 光ビームの第二の部分
13 温度センサ
14 温度センサ
15 温度センサ
20 電子システム
21 第一の光検出器のパワー測定値
22 第二の光検出器の参照パワー測定値
23 温度測定値
24 温度測定値
25 温度測定値
27 相対放射線誘起減衰測定値
100 線量計
Fibre-optic dosimeter for space environment and dosimetry method
[0001] The present invention relates to the technical field of dosimetry equipment, devices and methods for measuring radiation doses, expressed in Gray (1 Gy= 1 J/kg), in particular in a mixed environment comprising ions, protons, electrons, neutrons and/or photons.
[0002] More precisely, the present invention relates to a point dosimeter for providing a real-time high-accuracy radiation dose measurement. The invention also relates to a dosimeter for providing a total ionizing dose (TID) measurement over a wide dynamic range and/or a long duration.
[0003] In particular, such a dosimetry equipment, device and method finds applications in the space field, in any type of space radiative environment, or in the medical and scientific fields of high-energy physics, as a reference sensor for other dosimeters, or in the nuclear field.
[0004] It is important that a dosimetry can be made in any type of space radiative environment, i.e. on any type of platform and on all orbits. Indeed, manned flights, missions on the surface of the moon or planets, space probes, samples taken during space missions or also stratospheric balloon flights are exposed to different radiative environments, called space radiative environments. For example, it is important to be able to measure the radiation dose received by an astronaut in a space station at each moment and cumulatively over the duration of a mission. Time-resolved dosimetry can also be used to detect solar flares or to monitor the neutrons received during an extravehicular mission, on the moon or on a planet.
[0005] Different types of passive or active point dosimeters exist. Passive dosimeters are known, which are based on thermoluminescent materials, optically stimulable or using defect concentration measurements by electron paramagnetic resonance. These passive dosimeters are read after irradiation but do not allow an accurate real-time dose measurement. Active dosimeters also exist, which are based for example of microelectronic components.
[0006] It is also known to use a fibre-optic dosimeter based on a radiation induced attenuation (RIA) measurement, also called radiation induced loss measurement, for different types of radiations: ions, protons, electrons, neutrons and/or photons. In particular, it is known to use a dosimeter comprising a radio-sensitive optical fibre, a light source and a photodetector to measure, as a function of time, the optical power losses of the light beam transmitted through the optical fibre to deduce therefrom, thanks to a pre-calibration, the radiation induced attenuation in the optical fibre. An optical fibre is made radio-sensitive by doping the core and/or the optical cladding, for example with phosphorus, which makes the optical fibre sensitive to ionizing radiations.
[0007] Some dosimeters based on the RIA measurement in an optical fibre provide high sensitivity at low radiation doses, for example with a sensitivity of the order of 1 dB.km
-1 and an accuracy of 20 %. However, the RIA generally depends on the temperature and the dose rate and significantly decreases after the end of exposure to radiation. Moreover, the intensity of the light source limits the measurement dynamics.
[0008] In many terrestrial applications, a dosimeter can comprise a part exposed to radiation and an other part protected from radiation. On the contrary, in space environment, the whole system is subjected to radiations. Space environment imposes drastic operating conditions: small footprint, low mass and low energy consumption, mechanical resistance to shocks and vibrations and insensitivity to strong thermal variations in the space environment. These conditions make fibre-optic dosimeters very difficult to use in space environment for accurate dose measurements.
[0009] One of the objects of the invention is to propose an active dosimeter of high accuracy over a wide dynamic range, particularly at very low radiation doses and dose rates. Another object of the invention is to propose a point dosimeter having an answer independent of the temperature and the dose rate, in particular for applications in space environment. Still another object of the invention is to propose a dosimeter sensitive to electron, proton, photon, neutron and/or ion radiations.
[00010] For that purpose, the invention relates to a dosimeter comprising a light source capable of generating a light beam, an optical coupler-splitter capable of receiving the light beam emitted by the light source and to transmit separately a first part of the light beam and a second part of the light beam, a radio-sensitive optical fibre, wherein the radio-sensitive optical fibre is arranged to receive the first part of the light beam, a first photodetector arranged to record a power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre, a reference optical arm of smaller optical length than that of the radio-sensitive optical fibre, the reference optical arm being arranged to receive the second part of the light beam, a second photodetector arranged to record a reference power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the reference optical arm, and an electronic system capable of receiving simultaneously the power measurement of the first photodetector and the reference power measurement of the second photodetector, the electronic system being configured to extract a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre with respect to the reference optical arm.
[00011] According to the invention, the light beam is non-polarized or depolarized, or, respectively, the light beam is polarized and the radio-sensitive optical fibre is a polarization-maintaining fibre.
[00012] According to a particular and advantageous aspect, the light source comprises an amplified spontaneous emission source generating the light beam by amplified stimulated emission, the light beam being non-polarized.
[00013] According to another particular and advantageous aspect, the dosimeter comprises an active or passive optical device arranged downstream of the light source and configured to depolarize the light beam.
[00014] In an exemplary embodiment, the passive optical device comprises a depolarizer, for example a Lyot depolarizer or a polarization combiner and two polarization-maintaining optical fibres of different lengths.
[00015] In another exemplary embodiment, the active optical device comprises an optical phase modulator, for example an electro-optical modulator.
[00016] Advantageously, the light source comprises a laser diode or a superluminescent diode.
[00017] Advantageously, the radio-sensitive optical fibre is a single-mode or multi-mode fibre. In an exemplary embodiment, the reference optical arm comprises an optical fibre section.
[00018] According to a particularly advantageous aspect, the electronic system comprises a logarithmic amplifier configured to receive simultaneously the power measurement of the first photodetector and the reference power measurement of the second photodetector, the logarithmic amplifier being capable of extracting the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre.
[00019] In an exemplary embodiment, the light source is capable of emitting the light beam at a first wavelength and at a second wavelength distinct from the first wavelength, the first photodetector being adapted to record a power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength, the second photodetector being adapted to record the reference power measurement at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength, and the electronic system being capable of extracting the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength.
[00020] According to a particular and advantageous aspect, the dosimeter comprises at least one temperature sensor arranged to acquire at least one temperature measurement at at least one point of the dosimeter, and the electronic system is adapted to correct the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement as a function of said at least one temperature measurement.
[00021] Advantageously, the dosimeter comprises a reflective element arranged at a distal end of the radio-sensitive optical fibre, the first photodetector being arranged to record the power measurement of the light beam transmitted after a round trip through the radio-sensitive optical fibre.
[00022] According to a particular aspect, the first photodetector and the second photodetector each comprise a photodiode.
[00023] According to another particular and advantageous aspect, the dosimeter comprises an other radio-sensitive optical fibre and a beam splitter arranged between the light source, the radio-sensitive optical fibre and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, the beam splitter being capable of splitting the light beam between the radio-sensitive optical fibre and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, an other photodetector arranged to record an other power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, the electronic system being adapted to receive the other power measurement of the other photodetector, the electronic system being configured to extract an other differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the other radio-sensitive optical fibre with respect to the reference optical arm.
[00024] The invention also relates to a dosimetry method comprising the following steps: emitting a light beam; splitting the light beam into a first part of the light beam and a second part of the light beam; injecting the first part of the light beam into a radio-sensitive optical fibre, the light beam being depolarized or, respectively, the light beam being polarized and the radio-sensitive optical fibre being a polarization-maintaining fibre; injecting the second part of the light beam into a reference optical arm of smaller optical length than that of the radio-sensitive optical fibre; recording on a first photodetector a power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre; recording on a second photodetector a reference power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the reference optical arm; and electronically processing the power measurement of the first photodetector and the reference power measurement of the second photodetector to extract therefrom a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre with respect to the reference optical arm.
[00025] Obviously, the different features, alternatives and embodiments of the invention can be associated with each other according to various combinations, insofar as they are not incompatible or exclusive with respect to each other.
[00026] Moreover, various other features of the invention emerge from the appended description made with reference to the drawings that illustrate non-limiting embodiments of the invention, and wherein:
[00027] [Fig. 1] schematically shows a dosimeter according to an exemplary embodiment,
[00028] [Fig. 2] schematically shows a dosimeter according to another exemplary embodiment,
[00029] [Fig. 3] schematically shows an example of non-polarized source.
[00030] It is to be noted that, in these figures, the structural and/or functional elements common to the different alternatives can have the same references number.
[00031] The present disclosure proposes a point dosimeter based on a measurement of radiation induced attenuation in the radio-sensitive optical fibre. The dosimeter is configured to have a high sensitivity at low radiation doses, a great accuracy and a great measurement dynamics. Advantageously, the dosimeter is stable with respect to ambient temperature variations.
[00032] Here, the term "point dosimeter" means a dosimeter capable of taking measurements of induced attenuation that are integrated over the whole length of the optical fibre. Such a point dosimeter is different from a fibre-optic reflectometer, which is used to locally measure an attenuation in the fibre and to determine the position of this attenuation as a function of the longitudinal direction of the fibre.
[00033] Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of a dosimeter 100. The dosimeter 100 comprises a light source 1, an optical coupler-splitter 2, a radio-sensitive optical fibre 3, a reference arm 4, a first photodetector 5, a second photodetector 6 and an electronic system 20. The measurement principle is based on a differential measurement of the RIA optical losses between two measurement arms of different optical lengths comprising, on the one hand, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and, on the other hand, the reference arm 4.
[00034] The radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is a fibre whose optical transmission properties vary with the radiation dose received. For example, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is an optical fibre with a phosphorus or aluminium-doped core. For example, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is a phosphosilicate or aluminosilicate fibre. Such a fibre is sensitive to ionizing radiations in a neutron, X-ray or gamma-ray energy range. The radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 has a great length, between 50 m and 10 km, for example 100 m, 2 km, 5 km or 7 km. The optical fibre length is optimized by taking into account the sensitivity coefficient of this optical fibre at the source wavelength(s) used, expressed for example in dB.km
-1. In the example illustrated in Fig. 1, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 selected is a phosphosilicate fibre of 5 km long. The radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is wound in coil form to have a reduced footprint. The diameter of the coil of radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is generally between 20 mm and 200 mm, for example of the order of 40 mm.
[00035] As described in more detail hereinafter in the present disclosure, the radio-sensitive optical fibre can be, according to the embodiments, a single-mode (SM) fibre, a multi-mode (MM) fibre or also a polarization-maintaining (PM) fibre.
[00036] In an alternative embodiment illustrated in Fig. 2, a reflector 9 is arranged at the distal end of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The reflector 9 comprises for example a mirror arranged opposite the distal end of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The reflector 9 can also be consisted of a reflective treatment applied to the distal end of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The reflector 9 can also be consisted of a fibre Bragg reflector.
[00037] The reference arm 4 is an arm that has a far shorter optical path than the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The reference arm 4 comprises for example an optical fibre section of short length. In an example, the optical fibre section of the reference arm 4 has the same structure and/or composition as the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and of very shorter length than that of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. However, the optical fibre in the reference arm is not necessarily a radio-sensitive fibre. For example, the reference arm 4 comprises an optical fibre section having a length of 1 m.
[00038] The first photodetector 5 and the second photodetector 6 comprise for example photodiodes.
[00039] The electronic system 20 makes it possible to monitor and control the active elements, such as the light source 1 and the photodetectors 5, 6. The electronic system 20 also allows processing the power measurements transmitted in the radio-sensitive optical fibre and in the reference arm, calculating the radiation induced losses and the corresponding radiation dose. The electronic system 20 also allows the transfer to the user of data 30 comprising in particular the dose measurement result D extracted from the differential RIA measurement 27. The dosimeter performs real-time measurements, with for example acquisition of a measurement point on the two photodetectors 5, 6, every microsecond (in other words, at a MHz acquisition rate), according to the performances of the detection electronics. This system makes it possible to detect very short radiative events. This system also makes it possible to take and read real-time differential RIA measurements.
[00040] Optionally, the dosimeter 100 comprises one or several temperature sensor(s). For example, Fig. 1 illustrates a temperature sensor 13 arranged near the light source 1, an other temperature sensor 14 arranged near the optical coupler-splitter 2 and/or an other temperature sensor 15 arranged near the coil of radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and/or an other temperature sensor 16 arranged near the first photodetector 5 and/or the second photodetector 6. Particularly advantageously, the photodiodes 5, 6 are placed close to each other in such a way that they have the same temperature and that their thermal dependence partially compensates for each other. In practice, the most useful sensor is the temperature sensor 16 located near the photodetectors 5, 6. The signals 23, 24, 25, 26 coming respectively from the temperature sensors 13, 14, 15, 16 are transmitted to the electronic system 20. A calculator 8 uses a model of conversion of optical losses into dose that uses these point temperature measurements to correct some drifts dues to the thermal effects on the components of the dosimeter, in particular on the photodiodes 5, 6 and/or, respectively, on the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3.
[00041] The operation of the dosimeter 100 will now be explained. The light source 1 emits a light beam 10. The light beam 10 is in the visible or infrared domain. The optical coupler-splitter 2 receives the light beam 10 and splits in into a first part of the light beam 11 and a second part of the light beam 12. The first part of the light beam 11 is injected at a proximal end of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. Simultaneously, the second part of the light beam 12 is injected into the reference arm 4. The optical coupler-splitter 2 is for example a coupler 90:10, in order to inject 90 % of the optical power in the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and 10 % of the optical power remaining in the reference arm 4. Advantageously, a coupler 50/50 is used, which has an optical coupling ratio that is stable by symmetry. Other optical coupling ratios are conceivable without departing from the framework of the present disclosure.
[00042] The first photodetector 5 receives the first part of the light beam 11 exiting from the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and the second photodetector 6 receives the second part of the light beam 12 exiting from the reference arm 4. The first detector 5 thus measures the power 21 of the first part of the light beam 11 after transmission through the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The second detector 6 thus measures the power 22 of the second part of the light beam 12 after transmission through the reference arm 4.
[00043] In the alternative embodiment illustrated in Fig. 2, the reflector 9 reflects the first part of the light beam 11 transmitted a first time through the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 so that it propagates a second time, in the reverse direction, through the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. The first detector 5 thus measures the power 21 of the first part of the light beam 11 after a round-trip through the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. This alternative embodiment makes it possible to multiply by two the length of the optical path through the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 without increasing its physical length.
[00044] The radiation dose received by the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is denoted D. Generally, for example in the case of a dosimeter illustrated in Fig. 1, the dose measurement is deduced from the absorption A due to the radiations in the optical fibre via a mathematical model, based for example on the following formula:
[Math 1]
[00045] where η is the sensitivity of the fibre to radiations, (for example η = 4 dB/km/Gy (SiO
2) at 1550 nm for a phosphosilicate fibre) and L is the length of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3. This general formula must be adapted, for example, in the case of a dosimeter using a mirror as illustrated in Fig. 2, where the optical path length is equal to twice the optical fibre length. A precalibration makes it possible to adjust the model over the whole measurement dynamics. It is advantageous to use a long fibre length L, for a given accuracy on the reading of absorption A. However, the longer the length L of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3, the higher the absorption A due to the radiations in the sensitive fibre. Now, at the wavelength of 650 nm, with a length L of 2 km, the initial absorption (before radiations) of the fibre is already of the order of 20 dB. In order to obtain an accurate optical attenuation measurement, it is advantageous to use a single light source 1 followed with the passive coupler-splitter 2 that splits the optical power between the second part of the light beam 12 towards the reference arm and the first part of the light beam 11 on the arm that passes in the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3, the attenuation A of which has to be measured. This architecture makes is possible to avoid power fluctuations of the optical source. However, the optical power difference measured by the two photodetectors 5 and 6 can be very large, in particular when the length L of the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is long, generally several km long, for example 5 km.
[00046] The electronic system 20 is designed to make a ratio between the power 21 of the first part of the light beam 11 and the power 22 of the second part of the light beam 12 in order to obtain a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement 27. The calculator 8 then uses the differential RIA measurement 27 to deduce therefrom the radiation dose D received, on the basis of a model, for example as described hereinabove. Normalizing at each moment the power 21 transmitted via the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 with respect to the power 22 transmitted via the reference arm 4 makes it possible to avoid power variations of the light source 1 as a function of time.
[00047] According to a particular and advantageous aspect, the electronic system 20 comprises a logarithmic amplifier 7. The logarithmic amplifier 7 is for example an analog integrated DC logarithmic amplifier. The logarithmic amplifier 7 receives simultaneously on two distinct input paths the power 21 of the first part of the light beam 11 and the power 22 of the second part of the light beam 12. For example, with two photodiodes 5, 6, the logarithmic amplifier 7 receives on an input path the photocurrent emitted by the signal photodiode 5 and on another input path the photocurrent emitted by the reference photodiode 6. The logarithmic amplifier 7 thus makes it possible to compare these photocurrents. More precisely, the logarithmic amplifier 7 performs directly an analog logarithmic ratio operation that makes it possible to provide directly the differential RIA measurement 27 in decibels. Indeed, the logarithmic amplifier 7 uses the exponential relation between the voltage and the current in a junction PN to have an intrinsically logarithmic relation between an input current and an output voltage, which makes it possible to obtain an accurate attenuation measurement even when the photocurrent varies by several orders of magnitude. On the contrary, an electronic system based on the use of two independent transimpedance amplifiers generates a strong difference between the two photocurrents, and requires a very unbalanced adjustment of the transimpedance amplifiers to compensate for this strong difference.
[00048] Contrary to the electronic systems in which each analog signal is first digitized via an analog-digital converter before applying a digital division calculation, the operations are made directly and mainly on analog signals. That way, the measurement accuracy is not limited by the resolution nor by the dynamics of an analog-digital converter. Moreover, the flow of data at the output of the logarithmic amplifier 7 is not limited by the memory block size. The use of such a logarithmic amplifier 7 makes it possible to strongly increase the accuracy and dynamics of measurement of the RIA signal by several orders of magnitude, in particular near the low radiation doses.
[00049] However, according to an aspect of the present disclosure, power measurement instabilities linked to polarization effects limit the detection of low radiation doses. Generally, the light polarization is not kept during the propagation in a single-mode (SM) fibre that is not of the polarization-maintaining type. The polarization of a light beam changes in particular very strongly as a function of the fibre mechanical stress or the temperature. If a polarized light beam is injected into a single-mode fibre, the polarization of the light beam at the output of the fibre is difficult to control and changes rapidly in particular due to temperature fluctuations. Moreover, some optical components indispensable for the attenuation measurement, such as the coupler-splitter 2 and the photodiodes 6, 7 have a response that slightly depends on the polarization. It is estimated that the difference of "polarization dependant losses" (PDL) between the two orthogonal polarizations is of the order of at least 0.1 dB. Unexpectedly, and although this difference is apparently small, this phenomenon is liable to limit the accuracy of a measurement of radiation induced attenuation in a single-mode (SM) fibre. Indeed, the polarization fluctuations are converted into power fluctuations. It follows from the present disclosure that the polarization effects directly and strongly affect the detection limit and the accuracy of a fibre-optic dosimeter exploiting the phenomenon of radiation induced attenuation (RIA) to follow the time evolution of the dose deposited.
[00050] Different solutions are here proposed to reduce or cancel the polarization effects in a fibre-optic dosimeter.
[00051] According to a first embodiment, the light source 1 is a non-polarized optical source. Different non-polarized sources are contemplated. By way of non-limiting example, an Amplified Stimulated Emission (ASE) source illustrated in Fig. 3. The source 1 of Fig. 3 includes a pump diode 40 connected via an optical fibre 41 to a coupler-multiplexer 43. The pump diode 40 emits a pump signal at a pump wavelength, for example of 980 nm. A first Bragg grating 42 is arranged upstream of the coupler-multiplexer 43 and configured to favour the emission of the laser diode at a precise wavelength, here of 980 nm. The coupler-multiplexer 43 receives on an input path the pump signal filtered at 980 nm. The coupler-multiplexer 43 receives on another input path 44 a signal to be amplified at a determined wavelength as a function of the amplifier medium. In the case of an erbium ASE source, the wavelength of the signal to be amplified is 1550 nm. A second Bragg grating 45 is arranged downstream of the coupler-multiplexer 43 and configured to favour the stable emission at 1550 nm by the optical amplifier medium 47, here consisted of an erbium-doped optical fibre. At the output of the coupler-multiplexer 43, the pump signal at 980 nm and the signal to be amplified is 1550 nm are injected into the erbium-doped amplifying fibre. An optical isolator 48 is arranged at the output of the amplifying fibre to transmit the light beam 10 at 1550 nm emitted by the source 1. The source 1 thus performs the optical conversion of the polarized pump beam emitted by the pump laser diode, for example at 980 nm or 1480 nm, into a light beam at a wavelength in the telecom band (1532-1550 nm). Under the laser threshold, the photons emitted at a telecom wavelength are emitted spontaneously in such a way that the light beam emitted in the telecom band is non-polarized. This light source is then non-polarized. In other words, the light beam 10 generated by amplified stimulated emission is non-polarized. In this case, the optical coupler-splitter 2 is neither of the polarization-maintaining type, nor polarizing. The first part of the light beam 11 and the second part of the light beam 12 are non-polarized. The dosimeter 100 based on such a non-polarized source can use standard optical components and in particular a single-mode (SM) or multi-mode (MM) radio-sensitive optical fibre 3, which is not of the polarization-maintaining type. Likewise, the reference arm 4 is then based on components that are not on the polarization-maintaining type, for example a section of standard (SM) optical fibre or a section of multi-mode (MM) optical fibre. Polarimeters exist, for example based on rotating polarizers, that allow measuring the polarization state of a light beam. For a non-polarized light beam, for example, an identical power is measured in the two transverse polarization modes but no phase coherence between them. The use of an erbium ASE source makes it possible to cancel the polarization fluctuations on the RIA measurements.
[00052] According to an alternative of the first embodiment, a polarization source 1 is used, combined with a passive or active optical device, to average the polarization of the source light beam 10. By way of non-limiting example, a source is used, which comprises a superluminescent diode (SLED) that emits a polarized light beam. An active or passive optical component is placed downstream of the polarized source to depolarize the light beam emitted by the source.
[00053] In an example, the passive optical device is of the Lyot depolarizer type. The Lyot depolarizer principle is to make the two transverse polarization components follow different optical paths, whose optical path length is greater than the coherence length of the source, then to recombine the two polarizations. The Lyot depolarizer can be made by butt-welding two sections of polarization-maintaining optical fibres with proper axes misaligned by 45 degrees with respect to each other. In this case, the two optical paths correspond to the two indices of the PM fibre. As an alternative, if the coherence length of the source is great, a polarization combiner is used to inject the two transverse polarization components into different PM fibres and to recombine them at the output. Such a passive depolarizer is particularly suitable for a light source having a relatively small coherence length, as for example a superluminescent diode (SLED).
[00054] In another example, the active optical device is of the polarization scrambler type. This active optical device is configured to randomly modulate the phase in order to break the coherence of the source and the polarization thereof. The active optical device comprises an optical phase modulator, for example an electro-optical modulator. As an alternative, the active optical device is formed by applying a suitable mechanical stress on the fibre itself to randomly modulate the phase.
[00055] According to a second embodiment, the source 1 is polarized, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is a polarization-maintaining (PM) fibre and all the optical chain between the source 1 and the photodetectors 5, 6 is of the polarization-maintaining type. Advantageously, this radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 is manufactured by doping the core or the optical cladding of a conventional PM fibre, for example with a phosphorus doping. In this case, the optical coupler-splitter 2 is of the polarization-maintaining type. The first part of the light beam 11 and the second part of the light beam 12 are polarized. The source-side and coil-side welds are made in such a way as to align the proper axes of the polarization-maintaining radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 with respect to the proper axes of the polarized source. Likewise, the proper axes of the reference arm 4 are aligned on the proper axes of the polarized source. The first part of the light beam 11 and the second part of the light beam 12 are thus polarized. The polarization of the light beam being then kept during the propagation in the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and in the reference arm 4, the PDL has no influence on the radiation induced attenuation measurement.
[00056] As an alternative, the dosimeter comprises at least two sources emitting at two distinct wavelengths, each source being connected to a suitable optical fibre. For example, the two sources are polarized and the two coils of radio-sensitive optical fibre are polarization-maintaining optical fibres. In another example, the two sources are non-polarized or depolarized. In still another example, the dosimeter comprises a first polarized source associated with a polarization-maintaining radio-sensitive optical fibre and a second non-polarized or depolarized source. The combination of two sources with two different wavelengths allows measurement redundancy and hence accuracy improvement. As an alternative, a single and same source is adapted to emit the light beam at several wavelengths, for example 16 distinct wavelengths.
[00057] According to another particular and advantageous aspect, a single light source 1 is used, coupled simultaneously with several coils of radio-sensitive optical fibres, for example with two or three optical fibre coils of different lengths and/or having a different sensitivity to ionizing radiations, in addition to the reference arm 4. Indeed, for example, an other radio-sensitive optical fibre and a beam splitter arranged between the light source 1, the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre are used. The beam splitter receives the light beam 10 of the light source and splits it between the radio-sensitive optical fibre 3 and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre. In this case, the splitter is located upstream from the coupler 2. It may be a power splitter of the 1xN coupler type or a multiplexer that makes it possible to address sequentially the different coils. Each coil needs its proper reference arm. Similarly to the first detector associated with the radio-sensitive optical fibre, an other photodetector is associated with the other radio-sensitive optical fibre and arranged to record an other power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the other radio-sensitive optical fibre. The electronic system 20 is here adapted to receive the other power measurement of the other photodetector, simultaneously with the measurement of the reference arm. The electronic system 20 is configured to extract an other differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the other radio-sensitive optical fibre with respect to the reference optical arm. Such a configuration advantageously allows reading several dosimeters with a single optical source in such a way as to reduce the costs.
[00058] The drastic reduction of the polarization effects in the fibre-optic dosimeter makes it possible to make the dosimeter less sensitive to the ambient thermal variations. The reduction of the polarization fluctuations in the fibre-optic dosimeter also allows lowering the low radiation dose detection threshold, improving the accuracy of the RIA measurements and also increasing the dose measurement dynamics.
[00059] In total, the combination of an electronic system based on a logarithmic amplifier and the reduction of the polarization effects make it possible to lower the low radiation dose detection threshold to a few tens of microGy, to improve the RIA measurement accuracy and also to increase the dose measurement dynamics so that it extends between 1 Gy and 100 Gy, for example. In an exemplary embodiment, the dosimeter of the present disclosure makes it possible to reduce the detection noise by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude. The measured dose rate is included in a range between 100 gray/j and 1 Mgray/j. The dosimeter of the present disclosure thus allows measurements of radiation doses with a remarkable accuracy of the order of 10
-4 in relative on a dynamic range extending over 10 dB.
[00060] This architecture makes is possible to avoid power fluctuations of the light source 1. The differential RIA measurement makes it possible to chose a light source 1 whose intensity in not necessarily stabilized as a function of time. An ASE source or a laser diode is for example chosen.
[00061] The dosimeter can be conditioned in a very compact casing, for example a light-weight cylinder approximately 40 mm in diameter and 20 mm high. The dosimeter can thus be taken on-board a space station or even in the belt of an astronaut for an extravehicular exit. The dosimeter provides instantaneous measurements. The casing can be configured to transmit the dose measurements for example by a wireless connection to a display screen. These measurements allow for example anticipating a solar flare liable to damage sensitive equipment.
[00062] This point dosimeter can also find applications in the medical field for point measurement of radiation doses from medical equipment, for example in pulsed radiotherapy. This point dosimeter also finds applications in the nuclear field, for inspection and dismantling of any nuclear fusion and fission facilities.
[00063] Of course, various other modifications can be made to the invention within the scope of the appended claims.
[Claim 1] A dosimeter (100) comprising:
- a light source (1) capable of generating a light beam (10),
- an optical coupler-splitter (2) capable of receiving the light beam (10) emitted by the light source (1) and to transmit separately a first part of the light beam (11) and a second part of the light beam (12),
- a radio-sensitive optical fibre (3), the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) being arranged to receive the first part of the light beam (11),
- a first photodetector (5) arranged to record a power measurement (21) of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3),
- a reference optical arm (4) of smaller optical length than that of the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3), the reference optical arm (4) being arranged to receive the second part of the light beam (12),
- a second photodetector (6) arranged to record a reference power measurement (22) of the light beam transmitted through the reference optical arm (4), and
- an electronic system (20) capable of receiving simultaneously the power measurement (21) of the first photodetector (5) and the reference power measurement (22) of the second photodetector (6), the electronic system (20) being configured to extract a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) with respect to the reference optical arm (4),
characterized in that
- the light beam (10) is non-polarized or depolarized, or, respectively,
- the light beam (10) is polarized and the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) is a polarization-maintaining fibre.
[Claim 2] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, wherein the light source (1) comprises an amplified spontaneous emission source generating the light beam by amplified stimulated emission, the light beam (10) being non-polarized.
[Claim 3] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, comprising an active or passive optical device arranged downstream of the light source (1) and configured to depolarize the light beam (10).
[Claim 4] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 3, wherein the passive optical device comprises a depolarizer, for example a Lyot depolarizer or a polarization combiner and two polarization-maintaining optical fibres of different lengths.
[Claim 5] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 3, wherein the active optical device comprises an optical phase modulator.
[Claim 6] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 3, wherein the light source (1) comprises a laser diode or a superluminescent diode.
[Claim 7] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, wherein the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) is a single-mode or multi-mode fibre.
[Claim 8] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, wherein the reference optical arm (4) comprises an optical fibre section.
[Claim 9] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, wherein the electronic system (20) comprises a logarithmic amplifier (7) configured to receive simultaneously the power measurement (21) of the first photodetector (5) and the reference power measurement (22) of the second photodetector (6), the logarithmic amplifier (7) being capable of extracting the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement (27) in the radio-sensitive optical fibre.
[Claim 10] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, wherein the light source (1) is capable of emitting the light beam (10) at a first wavelength and at a second wavelength distinct from the first wavelength, the first photodetector (5) being adapted to record a power measurement (21) of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength, the second photodetector (6) being adapted to record the reference power measurement (21) at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength, and in that the electronic system (20) is capable of extracting the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement at the first wavelength and at the second wavelength.
[Claim 11] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, comprising at least one temperature sensor (13, 14, 15) arranged to acquire at least one temperature measurement (23, 24, 25) at at least one point of the dosimeter, and in that the electronic system (20) is adapted to correct the differential radiation induced attenuation measurement as a function of said at least one temperature measurement (23, 24, 25).
[Claim 12] The dosimeter (100) according to claim 1, comprising an other radio-sensitive optical fibre and a beam splitter arranged between the light source (1), the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, the beam splitter being capable of splitting the light beam (10) between the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) and the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, an other photodetector arranged to record an other power measurement of the light beam transmitted through the other radio-sensitive optical fibre, the electronic system (20) being adapted to receive the other power measurement of the other photodetector, the electronic system (20) being configured to extract an other differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the other radio-sensitive optical fibre with respect to the reference optical arm.
[Claim 13] A dosimetry method comprising the following steps:
- emitting a light beam (10),
- splitting the light beam (10) into a first part of the light beam (11) and a second part of the light beam (12),
- injecting the first part of the light beam (11) into a radio-sensitive optical fibre (3), the light beam (10) being depolarized or, respectively, the light beam (10) being polarized and the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) being a polarization-maintaining fibre;
- injecting the second part of the light beam (12) into a reference optical arm (4) of smaller optical length than that of the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3),
- recording on a first photodetector (5) a power measurement (21) of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3);
- recording on a second photodetector (6) a reference power measurement (22) of the light beam transmitted through the reference optical arm (4);
- electronically processing the power measurement (21) of the first photodetector (5) and the reference power measurement (22) of the second photodetector (6) to extract therefrom a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) with respect to the reference optical arm (4).
Abstract of the disclosure
The invention relates to a dosimeter (100) comprising a light source (1) capable of generating a light beam (10), an optical coupler-splitter (2), a radio-sensitive optical fibre (3), a first photodetector (5) arranged to record a power measurement (21) of the light beam transmitted through the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3), a reference optical arm (4), a second photodetector (6) arranged to record a reference power measurement (22) of the light beam transmitted through the reference optical arm (4), and an electronic system (20) configured to extract a differential radiation induced attenuation measurement in the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) with respect to the reference optical arm (4). According to the invention, the light beam (10) is non-polarized or depolarized, or, respectively, the light beam (10) is polarized and the radio-sensitive optical fibre (3) is a polarization-maintaining fibre.
Figure for the abstract: Fig. 1